Construction Services


After Preconstruction Services are complete, we will have a final design, construction drawings, and a price. Now we are ready to sign a Construction Contract. We typically work under a fixed-price contract based on the pricing we developed during Preconstruction Services.

The Construction Team:

Throughout construction a project manager will work hand in hand with a lead carpenter to oversee your project. The Project Manager is your key contact for communications on the business end of your project. He manages weekly jobsite meetings, building permits, the construction schedule, budget, invoicing, ordering materials and scheduling subcontractors. The Lead Carpenter is the on-site day-to-day manager of your project – supervising and managing all personnel working on your home. Our Lead Carpenters are committed to only one project at a time, so you can rely on them for daily communication. The Project Managers work closely with the Lead Carpenters to ensure timely project completion and a high quality outcome.


Invoices are issued every two weeks. For Fixed price contracts, payments are based on a milestone payment schedule that is part of our construction contract.
Change Orders – In some cases, you may change some aspect of your project after the project begins. There can also be unforeseen issues that arise — ledge on site, a rotted frame, etc. We work hard to minimize the unexpected. Using our proprietary BuildSmart estimating system, we have averaged less than 1% variance between our final estimated and actual construction costs.

Project Completion:

As the project nears completion, we will ask you to sign a Substantial Completion agreement. At this time, the project team will compile a “punch list” of items still to be done. Once the punch-list is complete, a Substantial Completion Two is signed and final payment is made.



We do it right the first time! Since the company’s inception we have only had to perform warranty repairs on less than 1/4 of 1% of our work. Our goal is to establish long-term relationships with our clients. We have a two year plus warranty follow-up program, which is double the industry standard. We have never denied a warranty repair or replacement that we felt should have lasted longer. We proactively check in with clients after 6, 12, and 24 months for maintenance or repair on completed projects. Despite this proactive approach, our warranty costs average a mere $2 per $1000 of construction.


We don’t put our clients at risk!

  • All of our employees are covered by General Liability and Worker’s Compensation insurance
  • We only work with subcontractors who carry their own insurance for themselves and their employees. So, if someone is hurt on the job, the homeowner is not liable.
  • All of our Project Managers and Lead Carpenters are licensed construction supervisors who maintain the safest possible job-site.
  • We are a certified Lead-Safe firm.
Request a Consultation Today!

  • Howell Custom Building Group supports sustainability by encouraging our clients to donate reusable materials to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. All proceeds help fund the local Habitat affiliate. Click here for a list of acceptable items to donate and additional information.